Computer Guy (animated) W I L D  B I L L Comma S  P L A C E
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Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. Golfing with my dad and the boys (Arvis and Bobby) for a week. I played 198 holes of golf in seven days! What a great time! I'm really looking forward to doing it next year!

Sunrise on Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, December 2001
No. 1 - 383 yd - Par 4 No. 2 - 415 yd - Par 4
Dad admiring his tee shot - I yanked two into the woods the first time around!
No. 3 - 530 yd - Par 5 No. 4 - 167 yd - Par 3
Dad was shocked when I put my tee shot within 3 ft of the hole (he was 8 ft away!)!
No. 5 - 533 yd - Par 5 From the fairway on No. 5
No. 6 - 397 yd - Par 4
Dad and John wondering what the hell those buggers ahead of us a doing in our way!
No. 7 - 370 yd - Par 4
SHARP dogleg right!
Dad trying to decide which club to use so as NOT to hit the ball into the wetlands
No. 8 - 160 yd - Par 3
Island green surrounded by low-country wetlands
Arvis takes "dead-aim" in hopes of getting a greenie (he didn't!)
No. 9 - 400 yd - Par 4
Dad's ball takes flight (and heads to the wetlands on the left!)
No. 10 - 403 yd - Par 4
Old South Clubhouse from the No. 10 tee No. 11 - 185 yd - Par 3
A local vagrant hoping for a hand-out (so he can CHOMP it off!) This is the course marshall on the side of the No. 12 tee encouraging swift play
No. 12 - 390 yd - Par 4
From the fairway 'cause the marshall hurried us off the tee!
No. 13 - 353 yd - Par 4
Arvis searching for signs of his golf swing No. 14 - 555 yd - Par 5
Dad laughing it up, telling jokes, having a rip-roaring time No. 15 - 384 yd - Par 4
Sharp dogleg right
Arvis thought he found his swing (but he was mistaken!) Two old farts (GREAT FRIENDS!) enjoying a day on the links (guess which one won the most bets?)
Dad admiring his final tee shot of the day No. 18 - 550 yd - Par 5
Tough, challenging finishing hole!

Score card from the 1st round at Old South
Score card from the 1st round at Old South
No. 1 - 365 yd - Par 4 No. 2 - 160 yd - Par 3
No. 3 - 360 yd - Par 4
(Only 330 yards for Arvis from the whites!)
No. 4 - 500 yd - Par 5
No. 5 - 180 yd - Par 3
Arvis trotting back to the cart, hoping his ball isn't fish food!
No. 6 - 380 yd - Par 4
No. 7 - 380 yd - Par 4 Dad wondering when it's going to warm up so he can loosen up!
No. 8 - 525 yd - Par 5
This shot was from the fairway - you can't see the huge, wide (120 yd) waste area between here and the green
No. 9 - 405 yd - Par 4
There's water all of the place on this hole!
No. 10 - 375 yd - Par 4 No. 11 - 365 yd - Par 4
Sharp dogleg right with the hole tucked back against the woods
No. 12 - 525 yd - Par 5
Arvis prepared to assault (or insult) the ball
No. 13 - 350 yd - Par 4
Sharp dogleg left with a big pond to carry to the green on the second shot
This is the second shot into No. 13! Look at all the pot bunkers! No. 14 - 175 yd - Par 3
No. 15 - 485 yd - Par 5 No. 16 - 190 yd - Par 3
No. 17 - 315 yd - Par 4
Dad about to clobber the ball way on down the fairway
No. 18 - 380 yd - Par 4
TOUGH finishing hole - water off the tee and then again before the green
Here's the second shot to No. 18 (taken during the second loop of the day) My second shot on the fringe of No. 12 (Par 5) during the second loop
Doesn't look like there's much fairway out there on No. 16! Dad and Arvis enjoying the day (on our 34th hole of the day - time for a beer!)

Score card from the 1st round at Old Carolina
Score card from the 1st round at Old Carolina
No. 1 - 420 yd - Par 4
Bobby pausing for a moment to consider "Where in the heck did that drive go?"
No. 2 - 385 yd - Par 4
No. 3 - 186 yd - Par 3 No. 4 - 407 yd - Par 4
Huge swamp to carry off the tee!
...and you can't see the pond on the right side of No. 4 fairway from the tee - my ball stopped just short! ...everyone else was out in the fairway - like I have clubs that know how to hit from there!
No. 5 - 472 yd - Par 5 From the cart path along No. 5 - I was BIPSIC after hitting too many balls into the pond on the right!
No. 6 - 170 yd - Par 3
Those roly-poly guys were ahead of us all day long!
No. 7 - 383 yd - Par 3
Sharp dogleg right!
No. 8 - 366 yd - Par 4 from the No. 8 fairway
No. 9 - 525 yd - Par 5
Dad about to crush one.... right into the fairway bunker
...see Dad's ball?
No. 10 - 381 yd - Par 4 No. 11 - 513 yd - Par 5
Tough Hole! Really narrow driving area
...and protected green No. 12 - 151 yd - Par 3
Actually, this is a picture of a really nice house across the pond from the No. 12 tee!
THIS is the fairway from the No. 12 tee Dad after a nice, smooth second shot into the No. 12 green
No. 13 - 151 yd - Par 3 No. 14 - 424 yd - Par 4
ME! ME after hitting a GREAT second shot on the green on No. 14
No. 15 - 500 yd - Par 5
Here's Bobby with his third shot
No. 16 - 380 yd - Par 4
No. 17 - 161 yd - Par 3 What a trio - Dad, Arvis and Bobby!
Me and the old man on the links! No. 18 - 411 yd - Par 4

Score card from Arthur Hills
Score card from Arthur Hills
No. 1 - 370 yd - Par 4 No. 2 - 524 yd - Par 5
from the No. 2 fairway A crowd of spectators gathered around the No. 3 tee
No. 3 - 386 yd - Par 4 Bobby decided to make a detour to the BEACH on No. 3!
No. 4 - 186 yd - Par 3 No. 5 - 405 yd - Par 4
No. 6 - 513 yd - Par 5 THIS is a LONG hole!
No. 7 - 411 yd - Par 4 Another one of those green course marshalls keeping an eye on the pace of play!
No. 8 - 138 yd - Par 3 No. 9 - 378 yd - Par 4
Actually, that's Dad strolling up on the green on No. 9
No. 10 - 493 yd - Par 5
Danger lies ahead on the hole!
That dark area in front of the green is a HUGE pond!
No. 11 - 303 yd - Par 4
I was about 20 yards short of driving this green!
One of the squatters on the course that the green marshalls chase from time to time
No. 12 - 208 yd - Par 3 No. 13 - 415 yd - Par 4
No. 14 - 338 yd - Par 4
This hole has some WEIRD traps!
See? There's Dad just barely outside the first wedge-trap!
No. 15 - 478 yd - Par 5 My tee shot on No. 15 didn't go far, but my second one did!
All the way to here! No. 16 - 160 yd - Par 3
No. 17 - 426 yd - Par 4 No. 18 - 392 yd - Par 4
Nice finishing hole - watch out for the pond one the right!

Score card from Robert Cupp
Score card from Robert Cupp
No. 1 - 300 yd - Par 4 No. 2 - 455 yd - Par 5
No. 3 - 387 yd - Par 4 No. 4 - 197 yd - Par 3
No. 5 - 361 yd - Par 4 Me, strolling back to the cart, after a perfect wedge into the green for my second shot!
No. 6 - 523 yd - Par 5
Arvis wondering whether or not to press (his luck!)
No. 7 - 357 yd - Par 4
The green on No. 7 was protected by trees on the left - traps on the right No. 8 - 160 yd - Par 3
No. 9 - 387 yd - Par 4
There's a pond hidden off to the left side and front the green that lies waiting to swallow golf balls!
You can just barely make out the tall grass arround the pond from here in the fairway!
No. 10 - 426 yd - Par 4 No. 11 - 424 yd - Par 4
No. 12 - 137 yd - Par 3 No. 13 - 368 yd - Par 4
Bobby and my ball stopped side-by-side (mine was closer, of course!) No. 14 - 448 yd - Par 5
The 14th green No. 15 - 160 yd - Par 3
My tee shot was one the green so, of course, I had to wait for them to quit fooling around and get on the green! No. 16 - 300 yd - Par 4
Dad teeing off and hoping for a skin (he got it!)
From the 16th fairway No. 17 - 413 yd - Par 4
What a crew!
From left to right: Bobby, Arvis, Dad, and me
From the 17th fairway
No. 18 - 508 yd - Par 5 My 3-iron off the tee cleared the trees and stopped in perfect line to go for the green
The 18th green with the HUGE clubhouse behind the trees

Score card from Robber's Row
Score card from Robber's Row
Score card from Robber's Row
Score card from Robber's Row
No. 10 No. 10 fairway
No. 11 No. 12
No. 12 from the tee box No. 13
No. 14 A bridge across the lowlands
A view from the bridge No. 15
More bridges connecting the holes No. 16
No. 17 From the 17th fairway
No. 18 No. 1
No. 1 again From the 1st fairway
Dad eyes one up (and then chunks it into the waste on the right!) No. 2
No. 3 From the fairway on No. 3 - SHARP dogleg right
A little reminder that there are other "residents" in the area Plenty of water everywhere!
No. 4 That's my ball closest to the pin on No. 4
No. 5 The afternoon sun was dropping fast and a bunch of clouds made it awfully dark all of a sudden
No. 6 From the 6th fairway
No. 7 From the 7th fairway - it looked like nightfall had come!
No. 8 The sun finally came back out for a few more minutes at least!
No. 9 Tough lie for a second shot!